Denim Flannel - SOLD

Denim Flannel - SOLD



  • USD: $9
  • Original Price: $150 HKD
  • Brand: Zara
  • Quality: Worn multiple times
  • Size: S

Why I Bought It
A denim flannel is something else every wardrobe needs and this one has had a good run in mine. I have two other denim flannels, so I played eenie-meenie-miney-mo to chose one to give away. I love tying it in front sometimes so it rides up a bit when I'm wearing high waisted shorts or jeans. 

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Payment and pick up will be in person (I actually get to meet you!) 
Pickups will be in either Hong Kong or Boston 
If you're not in any of these areas, but are still interested contact me anyways. We might be able to figure it out ;)