Back Home
It’s been interesting being back home for such an extended period of time. I’ve been sleeping in the bed I slept in throughout high school and seeing friends I’ve kept for more than 12 years. It brings so much comfort but also a temptation to fall back to old patterns; patterns of laziness and lack of self-accountability for where my life is going. It’s a strange contrast when I’ve spent the last year essentially alone, where all I did was explore my personal passions and purpose. Why make the effort now when breakfast, lunch, and dinner are ready on the table without me having to lift a finger?
I’ve been living at home for about a month now and so grateful for this rare time to be with my grandparents and family. That said, I’ve been more intentional with setting boundaries and dedicated workspaces in the house, even if distractions from family are inevitable (but welcomed most of the time). There hasn’t been much room for quiet. My workouts are witnessed by the entire family, and my reading time is usually cut short by a knock on the door or by three dogs needing attention. The shower remains my go-to space for creative thinking and wild ideas. I read something the other day that said “when what you are doing in real life is on the trajectory of what you dream about in the shower, you’re on the right path.” I think I’m on the right path 😌.
I’m reading Show Your Work by Austin Kleon at the moment, which I credit for my impulse to put my writing on here again. There is a chapter in which he talks about the benefits of having your own domain— your own pocket of the internet that is entirely yours, no matter what social media platform is trending.
“My blog has been my sketchbook, my studio, my gallery, my storefront, and my salon.” — Austin Kleon
After reading that chapter I thought to myself, same! Although I certainly do not give this blog the love it deserves, it’s been a constant in my creative journey since 2014. Whenever I feel the need to express myself in ways an Instagram post or now a YouTube video (Eeee!) can’t, I know I can turn to this little spot of the internet. A spot that is entirely mine. My internet home, if you will.
I know myself to not promise anything on here anymore 😜. This blog is like a longtime friend; one of those friends you can go without seeing for months and even years, but still manage to pick it up right where you left off. So, with that, I’ll see you when I see you 💛.